ویدیوی گفتگو با آقای رحیم بندویی از اعضای شورای مرکزی حزب مردم بلوچستان:سوختبری تنها راه نان آوردن بر سر سفرهها در سیستان و بلوچستان شده است

Social media addresses of Balochistan People’s Party Website of Balochistan People’s Party http://www.ostomaan.org/ Youtube of Ostomaan Gall / ostomaangall Telegram of حزب مردم بلوچستان https://t.me/ostomaan Instagram of Ostomaan Gall استمان گل https://www.instagram.com/ostomaan/ Facebook of بلوچستانءِ اُستمانءِ گل https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… Twitter of bpp.ostomaan https://twitter.com/ostomaan ———————————————————————————————— Social media addresses of RasankNews Website of RasankNews https://rasanknews.com/ Youtube of Rasanknews / @rasanknews4546 Telegram of Rasank https://t.me/rasanknews Instagram of rasanknews https://www.instagram.com/rasanknews/... Facebook of Rasank https://www.facebook.com/Rasanknews/ Twitter of Rasanknews https://twitter.com/rasanknews ————————————————————————————————-= Social media addresses of Balochistan People’s Party Website of Balochistan Human Rights Group BHRG https://www.bhrg.info/ Telegram of BHRG گروه حقوق بشر بلوچستان (BHRG) https://t.me/bhrg3 ————————————————————————————————– Social media addresses of Balochistan People’s Party Website of balochistan woman’s voice Website of BRAMSH https://bramsh.org/ ————————————————————————————————— Social media addresses of Balochistan People’s Party Shining light on the language, culture and society of the Baluch people in Iran Website of Braanz https://braanz.news/ ————————————————————————————————— Social media addresses of Balochistan People’s Party Baluch Verna Telegram and Instagram Channel Telegram of Baloch_Varna https://t.me/Baloch_varna Instagram of baloch_varna https://instagram.com/baloch_varna_?u..