Baloch Intelligentsia Emphasise On Need For Forming United Front

An esteemed panel of Baloch intellectuals and writers were invited to share their insights and expertise on the conference subject to help the Baloch leaders,
LAHORE: In an attempt to throw light on various issues facing the Baloch in their socio-political circumstances, the Baloch Students and Youth Association (BSYA) convened a major conference titled, ‘The Baloch National Struggle: Past, Present and Future’ in Birkbeck, University of London on Sunday.
An esteemed panel of Baloch intellectuals and writers were invited to share their insights and expertise on the conference subject to help the Baloch leaders, socio-political activists and the various sections of the Baloch national struggle to accurately assess the circumstances, and challenges faced by the Baloch in order to devise feasible strategies to organise themselves and achieve the objectives of their struggle.
The conference commenced with the opening remarks of the conference moderator, BSYA President Qamber Baloch who shared BSYA’s hope that this conference of respected intellectuals, researchers, analysts and writers having known academic credentials and belonging to different walks of Baloch socio-political life will positively contribute in the Baloch struggle for national salvation and emancipation.
In the first panel, the Baloch historian, Dr Inayatullah Baloch from Germany, talked about the Baloch national identity and the early period of Baloch Nationalism from the 1920s.
Baloch linguist and researcher Dr Nadir Baloch from Italy and Baloch poet Waja Akbar Barakzai discussed the role and contribution of the Baloch poets and literature in the Baloch national struggle.
Baloch poet Waja Siddik Azaat from Sweden had also sent his message for the conference that was read by BSYA member Mehroz Baloch.
In the second panel, Dr M Hossein Bor discussed the Baloch national movement and its regional and international implications.
Mir Muhammad Ali Talpur, columnist at Daily Times, spoke on the missing persons and the Baloch national struggle, stressing on the need for a serious literature.
Dr Naseer Dashti, a Baloch writer, discussed the Baloch national resistance and the need for a united front.
Dr Lakhu Luhana, chairman of World Sindhi Congress, talked about the past, present and future of Baloch-Sindhi relation in the context of Baloch national struggle.
The question and answer session lasted for more than an hour in which various issues were brought into discussion. This long day conference produced and passed a declaration at the end of the conference that was read by the secretary general of BSYA, Asghar Shahwani.
Conference Declaration:
1. The resistance of the Baloch against the forces of occupation and subjugation has been for the achievement of the cherished dream of national salvation in a united and liberated Balochistan.
2. The situation for the Baloch as a national entity is in grave danger by systematic violations of Baloch national rights, suppression of the Balochi-Brahui languages and encroachment on the cherished Baloch social and cultural values by the forces which control the Baloch land and masses.
3. The Baloch as a nation has the inherent and universal right of self-determination as enshrined in international law, including in the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The implementation of the right of self-determination is fundamental for the survival of the Baloch, including their cultural values, languages, religions, economy, and ways of life, land and resources.
4. The international community must come forward and urge the governments of Iran and Pakistan to refrain from the use of oppressive measures leading to human rights violations against the Baloch. It must take immediate measures to ensure that the perpetrators of human rights violations within the military, paramilitary and proxy organisations of these states face the justice in an international court of justice.
5. The prevailing division and distrust among various factions of the national resistance and political parties and their cadre is mortally damaging the Baloch cause for national salvation. In the face of grave situation facing the Baloch, solidarity and unity of the Baloch nationalist forces are fundamental and of utmost importance.
6. It is the moral and national duty of the Baloch national leadership to adopt visionary and feasible policies in order to forge unity between various factions of the Baloch national resistance for waging a meaningful and resolute struggle against the forces of occupation and subjugation leading to final victory of the Baloch masses.
7. The Sindhis and the Baloch having common historical and cultural traditions are facing the brutality of the same enemy. The national liberation struggles of these brotherly nations cannot achieve their desired goals in isolation. It is must for the Baloch and Sindhi national resistances to forge meaningful alliances in order to pool their available intellectual, political and material resources against the enemy. pr