Bhrc (Uk) Strongly Condemns Mashkey Operation And Calls For Immediate Un Intervention In Balochistan

In order to stop the genocide of the Baloch people, Baloch Human Rights Council (UK) demands urgent measures including physical intervention by the international community.
BHRC (UK) calls for immediate UN intervention in Balochistan
BHRC (UK) strongly condemns the massacre of innocent women, children and elderly population of Mashkey area of central Balochistan by the Pakistani military. The brutal and inhumanly actions on the part of Pakistani army commandos started on 24 December with indiscriminate aerial bombardment on civilian settlements in addition of the butchering of 36 civilians by the notorious death squads accompanying the army commandos.
For the last five days the whole Mashkey valley has been blockaded by the forces and no one is being allowed to enter the valley denying a population of fifty five thousand people without provisions and immediate medical cover for injured and wounded.
Taking into consideration the track record of Pakistani military establishment, without any meaningful pressure from the international community, the naked aggression against the civilian population of Mashkey will continue resulting in more miseries, killings and destruction of properties. Therefore, BHRC strongly demands for immediate action by the United Nations to safeguard the lives, honor and livelihood of people in the Mashkey valley.
Baloch Human Rights Council strongly demands from the European Union to take notice of crimes against humanity being committed against the Baloch by the Pakistani state institutions.
BHRC believes that the United States and the UK governments have the moral obligation to prevent the systematic genocide of the Baloch masses by the Pakistani army which has been granted billions of dollars and pounds by them.
Issued by:
Samad Baloch
General Secretary
London, Dated 28 December 2012