No Talks With Pakistan Until Withdrawal Of Forces Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti

The president of Baloch Republican Party Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti, while talking to a Pakistani news channel, denied claims of government regarding negotiations between Baloch freedom movement leaders and Pakistani state. He said “like the previous governments, the current government makes false claims of negotiations, these are tactics of fooling people.”
Pakistan shows itself as a democratic state but it was afraid of referendum in Balochistan under the UN supervision which is a peaceful and democratic way to let people choose their fate.
He said that civilian government was helpless regarding Balochistan issue and Pakistan army & its intelligence agencies were in control Balochistan matters. While answering a question he said Baloch political activists and people from every walk of life were being extra judicially killed after forceful disappearances since more than past seven years. In a situation, he said, where even independent media was not allowed to visit, we would not come to the negotiation table until Pakistani state pulls out its forces from Baloch soil.
He rejected the Pakistani narrative about few Sardars (Tribal leaders) being responsible of the Balochistan struggle, while adding he said, tribal system exists in few areas such as Dera Bugti and Kohlu but there was no tribal system in Makran region where independent movement was gaining momentum like other parts of Balochistan.
While answering another question regarding his family division, he said everybody had a democratic right to take their decisions but, he said, he chose the freedom struggle following the ideology of his grandfather for which he stood and sacrificed his life for. He said that thousands of Baloch brothers and sisters, who comes different walks of life and tribal backgrounds, stood with him in this struggle. “It doesn’t make any difference whether any of my family members stand with me or not. The struggle for Balochistan’s independence will continue.”
He further said that they were democratic people and they believed in the democratic ways of struggle, adding, Pakistan shows itself as a democratic state but it was afraid of referendum in Balochistan under the UN supervision which is a peaceful and democratic way to let people choose their fate.
Commenting on 70s military operation he said Shaheed Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti wasn’t part of the process of military operation and he was unaware of all that as Bhutto was directly operating the matters under his supervision. “Shaheed Nawab Akbar Bugti remained governor for four months while trying to stop military operation in Balochistan but he resigned immediately after he realized his efforts were going in vain.”
Nawab Brahumdagh Bugti rejected the allegations of the state about tribal leaders being against education in Balochistan. He said that Shaheed Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti established many schools and a college in Dera Bugti which were now converted into military camps by the Pakistan Army. However, after the assassination of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, not a single school was built in Dera Bugti. It is now an open secret as to who is the hurdle for education in Balochistan, he said.
He further said that people have taken up arms in their defense against the powerful state and its atrocities such as military operations, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial murders. ”
Army operations in Balochistan have become a daily routine where innocent women and children are being killed and people are joining violent ways of the struggle as a reaction”. He said Pakistan is carrying out a systematic genocide of Baloch Nation.
He said that nobody needs to dictate us about our matters, we must have the right to decide as to what is in our interest and what is not. “What would you feel if someone attacks and occupies your home & start dictating you as to what is good and bad for you?”
He said that not a single election was held in Balochistan under a democratic process since 1949. “Balochistan is being ruled by the Pakistan army and its secret agencies since the day one”. Commenting on China’s presence in Gwadar he said that China was an equal partner of Pakistan for war crimes in Balochistan. He said China would have to face the consequences if it continued exploring and looting Baloch resources without the will of Baloch people.