Pakistan, Iran And China Are Illegally Misusing Baloch Country For Testing And Hiding Nukes

The World Baloch Women’s Forum President Professor Naela Quadri Baloch, Secretary General Dr. Murwarid Amiri, Organizer Afghanistan Ms. Mahkan Naroi and Organizer United Kingdom Ms. Negar HossienBor declared that May 28 1998 was a black day in history when Pakistan tested the made in China nukes on Baloch soil that resulted in sudden deaths of thousands of innocent people who were totally unaware of radioactivity poisoned the air water and soil.
World Baloch Women’s Forum demands Implementation of CTBT and Vienna Convention INFCIR/556
File Photo Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch
File Photo
Prof. Naela Quadri Baloch
Skin, eye and lungs were the first targets of nuclear dust. Soil moisture evaporated in radius of a thousand km resulted in drought for 5 years, 90% cattle and wild life died, survived are facing displacements, cancers, and poverty, abnormal and before time childbirth is an ongoing routine case in the hit area. International community, support and rights organizations kept silent; Baloch faced it in isolation and loneliness.
Treaties on non-proliferation of nukes never applied to stop the nuclear terrorism on Baloch Country. We demand implementation of CTBT, Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage INFCIR/556 for the responsible countries including sanctions on them.