Paradox Of Competency Ruse: The Nigeria Nation Form By Conglomerate Of Different Ethnic Nationalities The Nigeria Nation Form By Conglomerate Of Different Ethnic Nationalities

minorities tribes which scatter across Kaduna, Baluchi, Nassarawa etc have lost the origin of their existence, most especially the new age. They are totally absorbed by the Hausa speaking communities. Only a few of these tribes have the will to demand of its their share of the nation cake.
The Nigeria nation form by conglomerate of different ethnic nationalities scatter across the nook and cranny of its breath, though. Some of the tribes, the minorities, have been absorbed by the major tribes or language within the same geographical landscape. The will of survival has evaded some of these minorities tribes or languages. For instance, the minorities tribes which scatter across Kaduna, Baluchi, Nassarawa etc have lost the origin of their existence, most especially the new age. They are totally absorbed by the Hausa speaking communities. Only a few of these tribes have the will to demand of its their share of the nation cake.
More so, some individuals still argue that the nation heterogeneity is a signal of separation from God, aligning to the old thinkers in America centuries ago. Then they believed black men and white men were created to live together, if God wants them together, he would have separated Blackman dominated zone to white men dominated zone. The philosophy gained prominency that it was enshrined in the book of law. Naturally, in creation, black men were not stationed at white man’s land but by exploitation and exploration, the few strong white men who wanted slaves that could work on their plantation navigated through Africa ocean and brought them to white man’s land for their selfish interest.
That is what made Sigmund Freud expression logical when he said every man is driven by two desire: the urge for sex or urge wealth’ . All of man desires borne out to the aforementioned factors.
I think, we need to dissect the reason why President Buhari of Nigeria cried when he lost to the former president Good luck in 2011, his promises during the electioneering campaign, opinion about his antecedent on an alleged tribalism, his told philosophy during military regime and what he does now. The reason for dissecting it is simple, we take a snapshot at the past event, present and future, because progress will be retarded with no history.
We learnt from history that he loved his people, northerners, an image which reflected during his reign as a military man. There is no doubt about that, every man in heterogeneous community tends to be bias in his judgment when it comes ethnicity, though. Baba Obasanjo, the former President of Nigeria from 1999-2006 proved that philosophy wrong with the structure of his cabinet. He chose from even the minorities ethnic nationalities in the country. I love Baba for that. Laugh! But the present administration is yet to balance up in the choice of federal character as everyone wails now. The appointment he had made so far, Northerners dominated 99.5% if I am right.
Anyway, he has his reason for doing that which I believe I can shed light on. With the fight against corruption campaign by the President, Muhammadu Buhari, there is other tribes in Nigeria that are less corrupt as Northerners, that is the reason he chooses Northerners over other tribes. And don’t forget, all everyone desires is the demise of corruption in Nigeria.