South Asia Economic Development And Human Right, Focusing On Balochistan

“Although our land was divided for a strategic policy by drawing Gold Smith Line in 1871, but our hearts beat and cry together for our identity, cultural, socio-economic rights. Unfortunately the Pakistani and Iranian states join hands together and adopt similar strtegic policies for systematic elimination of Baloch people on Both sides, to subjugate and dominate the people and land.” The Sweden based President of Balochistan Peoples Party briefed the conference participants.
Press Release: 19th June 2015, Baloch Voice Association Geneva
Dragon and Islamist joint Gawadar strategic military and economic designs pose a potential threat to the regional and international peace and stability. South Asia Economic and Human Rights conference speakers raised concerns at Plaise Des Nations Geneva.
On the side lines of 29th United Nations Human Rights Council Session, Baloch Voice Association (NGO) organized a side event titled ” Global Talk on South Asia Economic strategies and Human Rights”.
Baloch Scholar, Ex pro vice chancellor and Ex acting vice chancellor of Balochistan University Quetta, gave a very depth analysis and presented statistical data why Gawadar matters and the systematic plight of the Baloch People.
“6,500 acres of land purchased by Military Estate Officer Quetta for Gawadar Airport instead of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for Gawadar Airport. “Any land acquired by the Military Land and Cantonments”, makes it the property of the Pakistan Army and this fact alone thoroughly exposes the claim that Gwadar is an exclusively commercial project.” where as the “New York`s JFK airport, one of the largest in the world, covers only 4,930 acres.” Prof. referred to an Article of Dawn.
Mr. Enos NOLLI the Director of GIM- Italia, expressed high concerns about the islamisation of Balochistan as a strategic policy the Islamic state.
“We were already concerned because of the Blasphamy Laws, Sharia laws and attacks on religious minority in Pakistan, but the deep penetration and terrorist activities of religious terrorist organizations, and threatening the religious miniorities in Balochistan are very very serious issues.” Mr. NOLLI emphasised.
“The details of internal situation of Balochistan which I have received from Baloch people, are very alarming and are matters of serious concern. Particulary the threatening and attacks on Shia’s and Zikri People. Demolishing the worship places of religious minorities, forced conversion, attacks on Schools, and threatening and attacking Baloch females are real threats to humanity at large with impunity.” The GIM Director expressed concerns.
“Although our land was divided for a strategic policy by drawing Gold Smith Line in 1871, but our hearts beat and cry together for our identity, cultural, socio-economic rights. Unfortunately the Pakistani and Iranian states join hands together and adopt similar strtegic policies for systematic elimination of Baloch people on Both sides, to subjugate and dominate the people and land.” The Sweden based President of Balochistan Peoples Party briefed the conference participants.
“The International community must understand this fact that China is the strategic master mind of Pakistani Mullah state and Iranian Shiat totalitarian Authority. The master game which they call it’ “Game changing plan” will not be limited to the region only, they also have high ambitions for Europe and rest of the world.” Mr. Nasser Bolaidi warned.
“The army Generals are the ultimate law by themselves, the legislators have given power to army to become judges, jury and persecutors. By law of land in Pakistan the army is a judge, jury and persecutor. In Pakistan the exercise of the state violence against the Baluch is unconstrained and unpredictable. The state authorities use violence to secure obedience. Thousands are missing and 1800 have been killed by the state security forces since 2010.” Said Mehrab Baloch London based Baloch analyst and blogger.
“Those who stand for their rights against forced removal are targeted and eliminated by state security forces. The state is committing a systematic genocide in Balochistan while the international community watches passively. The international and intergovernmental organisations are morally responsible to investigate and stop genocide in Baluchistan.” Mr. Sarjo climed.
“The people of Balochistan have been and are being treated differently by the Islamic state of Pakistan. As a strategic policy the state had kept Balochistan a Media Black out region, neither the National Media nor the International Media have been given access inside the Balochistan and to the people of Balochistan.” Dr. Ali raised voice for freedom of expression and for Baloch Journalists.
“UN and it’s bodies ask the Islamic state to held responsibile the perperators who threaten the freedom of expression and opinion, and Journalists in Balochistan, and to end impunity.” Dr. Ali urged.
“Females are fragile throughout the Globe but the rights of females in Balochistan, particularly the right to education, freedom of expression and right to move freely is at high risk in Balochistan. The news of threatening Baloch Females, and attacking them with acid by the religious terrorists organisation supported by state institutions and organs are very disturbing. In this struggle for gaining their fundamental rights Baloch females we are with you.” Madam Collet Boutard expressed her solidarity with the Baloch females.
“The slogan of Jihad imposed on the people of Kashmir by the Islamic fundamental state is a pseudo external war imposed on the People of Kashmir. The Basic fundament rights of People in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir are being abused systematically by the imposed state machinery. In so called Azad Kashmir the Prime Minister and President of the Pakistani Occupied Kashmir can not even have a right to transfer and expell or appoint a single employee in the secretariate. All govt. Machinery is controlled by the Pakistani government appointed by the secretry of Kashmir affairs.” Vetern Kashmiri Leader and Chairman of UKPNP expressed concerns of the Kashmiri People.
In the end Munir Mengal the President of Baloch Voice Association presented a detailed pictorial account about the Islamic state of Pakistan economical strategies and the systematic abuse of fundamental rights of the Baloch people. Mr. Mengal Thanked all participants of the event for their participation and contributions. Mr. Munir Mengal thanked and congratulated the President of the event Mr. M. Dianko Lamine for organizing such a fruitful event at Plaise des Nations.