Un Should Physically Intervene In Balochistan Instead Of Only Showing Concern: Hyrbyair Marri

London: United Nation should not only be content with its concern about Balochistan but it should physically intervene against the on-going human rights violations like it did in Bosnia Herzegovina and Libya to play its role as a vanguard for Human Rights because further delay in UN and other democratic country’s intervention will deteriorate Balochistan’s already extreme human rights violations. Baloch patriot leader Hyrbybair Marri expressed these view in a statement released to Balochistan national newspapers in relation to the press conference of UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay in Islamabad
It pertinent to mention that the UN human rights Chief Navi Pillay had express her concern about the grave human rights violations in Balochistan at the end of a four-day visit to Pakistan and regretted not visiting Sindh and Balochistan. She said “disappearances in Baluchistan had become “a focus for national debate, international attention and local despair.”
Mr Marri said that the UN High Commissioner has regretted that she could not visit Balochistan but we are more concern and disappointed than she is because the Baloch nation has been appealing to the International Community, especially, the UN, EU and the United States of America to send their facts finding missions to Balochistan to observe the ground realities. And to find out how the aid that Pakistan receives to fight against religious extremism is being indiscriminately used against tolerant and secular Baloch people. Pakistan is spreading a network of religious schools across Balochistan to strengthen the fundamentalists against Baloch freedom movement. The resources provided by international powers are being used to carry out the genocide of freedom loving and secular Baloch nation.
Hyrbyair Marri further said that Pakistan’s Military, ISI, Judiciary and Pakistani Human Rights Organisation are solely working to protect the interests of Pakistani Punjab; they think Balochistan should remain a colony of Pakistan forever. Asma Jhangir, a few days back, in a BBC Urdu talk show instead of showing the ground realities of Balochistan has expressed her own desire saying that Baloch are willing to take part in Pakistani elections and returning to the so called mainstream politics. “Ms Asma Jhangir sounded more like a Pakistani state advocate rather than a human rights campaigner, because instead of talking about human rights violations in Balochistan she was trying to promote the state’s agenda that protects the interest of Punjab and extends the misery of Balochistan”, said Mr Marri.
Critiquing the Pakistani judiciary Mr Marri said that “In one of my earlier statements on 05-06-2012, I had said that Pakistan Supreme Court instead of giving justice to Baloch people was concealing Pakistan Military, ISI and FC’s genocidal policies against Baloch nation. Recent remarks by retired Justice Javid Iqbal in which, instead of holding Pakistani security forces responsible for abducting Baloch activists he alleged that foreign intelligence agencies want to worsen the Balochistan situation in order to destabilise Pakistan, fully confirm my point of concerns.”
The Baloch leader has said we (Baloch) have always welcomed international Humanitarian organisations and NGO’s in Balochistan hoping that they will report about on-going Human Rights violations against Baloch people and help the people of effected areas on time but it is disappointing that none of the International Organisation have appealed the UN to visit Balochistan. Mr Marri expressed grave concern that the International Community headed by UN was being blackmailed by Pakistan because she has carried out five major military operations in Balochistan and committed crimes against humanity but they (UN) has not brought a single Pakistani official to justice so far. Neither did the UN ever question Pakistan for the nuclear blasts on Baloch soil without the consent of Baloch nation in Rashkoh, Balochistan. Nor did it send a delegation of UN experts to gauge the nuclear radiations. Whereas it is a disastrous situation in Chaghai and Kharan districts on both sides of Raskoh mountain range as people suffer from different mysterious skin diseases and cancer. There have been hundreds of cases where women gave birth to abnormal babies and similarly livestock are affected by diseases but none of the International Organisations have ever spoken about the aftermaths of these nuclear tests – they are not even allowed to visit these areas.
Similarly in 2005 military operation, hundreds of thousands of Baloch women and children were force-displaced from their home in Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri, till this day no International Organisation including the UN has supported them. In August 2006 the UNISEF had recorded the number of force-displaced women and children from Dera Bugti and Kohistan Marri as 59000 and expressed its desire to help them but Pakistan had asked the Chief of UNISEF to leave the country and UN was also prevented from helping the Baloch victims of forced-displacement. Those who were forced to leave Kohistan Marri and Dera Bugti are still living in appalling conditions in Jaafarabad and Dera AllahYar areas of Balochistan.
Hyrbyair Marri said the UN does express its concern about the drone attacks in Pakistan but has never shown concern about Pakistan Air Force’s attacks on innocent Baloch civilians – several innocent Baloch including women and children have been killed by Pakistani aerial bombardment in Balochistan. Mr Marri further said that before Pakistan used to conceal its Air Strikes in Balochistan but now they are openly threating to use its air force. UN should pass a resolution to declare Occupied Balochistan a no fly zone for Pakistan like it did in Iraq, Kovoso and Libya because UN’s reluctance to take action has encouraged Pakistan to burn several Baloch villages and spread terror in cities by abducting most well-educated section of Baloch society including lawyers, Doctors, intellectuals, teachers and students; to this day abductions and under-custody killings of Baloch activists continues.
The Voice for Baloch Missing Person, an organisation striving for the release of abducted Baloch, has reported that over 14,000 Baloch have been forcefully disappeared (abducted) so far, hundreds of them have been killed and dumped – under the new kill & dump policy by Pakistani security agencies. In such circumstances the Baloch nation reserves the right to question the UN that why is it having double standards toward Balochistan? In other parts of world UN took notice of less serious human rights violations, intervened and played a positive role whereas in occupied Baluchistan, Baloch women, children, elderly and common citizen are being killed and abducted for asking for their basic and democratic rights, and UN is playing the role of a silent spectator.
The Baloch leader has strongly appealed to the United Nations that it should consider the on-going Human Rights Violations coupled with Baloch National question and take affective steps to resolve Balochistan issue because further delay can result in a human tragedy as Pakistan is adamant to keep Balochistan under her occupation and continue to loot Baloch natural wealth, on the other hand the Baloch nation is not ready to compromise their National Identity and motherland. “In such conditions we urge the UN to physically intervene instead of only showing concern because the UN has the mandate to act practically”, said Mr Marri.
Courtesy : Baloch Warna