We Condemn The Genocide Of Hazaras In Quetta

Within the last 40 days over 200 Hazaras have been killed and over 300 got injured. The Baluchistan Human Rights Association of Norway would like to reveal the actual facts to the world and readers that Pakistan and Iran both are extremely bigoted states
In Pakistan the minorities including Shias are in hot water, while in Iran the Sunni minorities are facing hardship, especially the Baluch ethnic minority has been deprived from its motherland with all other victimizations.
After 12 years over 1100 Hazara have been ruthlessly killed and over 3500 got injured but the state apparatus have not played its entrusted responsibility which bound the state to protect the life and property of the citizens in accordance with fundamental laws and constitution.
There is also proof that the intelligence agencies are involved in the ethnic cleansing of Hazaras and in the same manner in the massacre of Baluch people.
In 16 february the water tanker filled was detonated in a market place near Quetta hazara town. More than 90 people mostly Hazara and Shia lost their lives. A question will probably arise in a prudent mind that the Lashkar E Janguhi cannot operate such a gigantic plan without any help of the other terrorists elements namely Talaban etc.
There is also another important factor that leads the footmarks of The Lashkar E Jangjuhi to military establishment.
The leaders of “Lashkar E Jangjuhi” namely Isaq has been released by military establishment in a deal, the other concrete evidence which connect The Lashar E Jangjuhi with them is that the escape of operational commander in Baluchistan Usman saifullah in 2008 from a detention in military cantonment.
The Baluchistan Human Rights association of Norway understands that Pakistan state has deliberately and maliciously manipulated and managed on the name of so called targeted operation against fundamentalists and extremists is eliminating the Baluch political workers and activists, whereas the world knows that the Baluch by birth are circular and liberal and they have been enslaved in the name of so called Islam.
Pakistan has invaded Eastern Baluchistan in the name of Islam. There is a systematic and planned operation which is going on in various districts of Baluchistan ( Kalat, Mastung, Turbat, Panjgur and Mashky etc) whereas the leaders and activists of the lashkar-e-jangjuhi are openly walking in the streets of Punjab district Rahim khan which established the nefarious design of security establishment to exterminate and eliminate indigenous Balcuh population including children and women in the name of targeted operation to console the Hazara victims.
We can easily analyze when the “Lashkar E Jangjuhi” league with other terrorist elements have killed over 100 Hazara on 10 february 2013 and the demand of Hazara was that they did not burry their victim dead bodies until the imposition of governor rule and demanded the culprit of Hazaras murders must be arrested but it was vain because the the real authority in Baluchistan are security establishment and they themselves are involved in Hazara and Baluch ethnic cleansing so how can they arrest or eliminate these evils?
The presize reason is that all these religious militant organization are the babies of security establishment of Pakistan including “Lashkar E Jangjuhi” which had been created to create problems for Kashmir.
That it would be worthwhile to state here that the security establishment of Pakistan has established such a pattern that organizations in Baluchistan to counter the Baluch genuine liberation movement “LASHKAR-E.DAFA E PAKISTAN” , “BALOCH MUSALA DAFA TANZEEM” led by Shafeeq Meingal and ” MUTAHIDA MAHAZ BALOCHISTAN” led by the Siraj Raisani , all of these groups are league with military intelligence and are killing the Baluch people. But despite of that fact the ethnic community of Hazara is demanding that a targeted operation must be leaded by military, whereas already the operation is going on since 10th February 2013 in Baluchistan is leaded by FC and so called Lashkar-E.Dafa E Pakistan” , “Baluch Musala Dafa Tanzeem” and Mutahida Mahaz Baluchistan”.
Baluchistan’s Human Rights Association – Norway
24rd February 2013