When Blood Flows In Lyari The Whole Balochistan Feels The Pain: Hyrbyair Marri

London: The Baloch Patriotic leader, Hyrbyiar Marri, has said that, “Baloch land has always been under illegal occupation of enemy. The Pakistani state is using indiscriminate force for past 64 years to plunder the Baloch resources and to wipe out the identity of Baloch people. Pakistan has badly failed to suppress the Voice of Baloch Nation despite brutally using Jets, Heavy Artillery, Gunship Helicopters and chemical, lethal weapons against unarmed Baloch population who ask for their freedom.
London: The Baloch Patriotic leader, Hyrbyiar Marri, has said that, “Baloch land has always been under illegal occupation of enemy. The Pakistani state is using indiscriminate force for past 64 years to plunder the Baloch resources and to wipe out the identity of Baloch people. Pakistan has badly failed to suppress the Voice of Baloch Nation despite brutally using Jets, Heavy Artillery, Gunship Helicopters and chemical, lethal weapons against unarmed Baloch population who ask for their freedom.
Pakistan is giving enormous monetary and logistical support to its proxies to quash the Baloch national struggle for independence. The high command of ISI is directly supervising these proxies, who torture and kill Baloch activists after abductions. The occupying forces, without respecting the sanctity of houses, are brutalizing the innocent unarmed people of Kohlu, Kahan, Chamalang, Mand and Mashkay till date. On the other hand there is full-fledge operation against Baloch underway in the historical Baloch area of Mai Kolachi, the present day Karachi. Women and children are being harassed, whereas youngsters are abducted and then killed and dumped.
The Baloch leader said, “The Pakistani Army and PPP have started a thoroughly planned operation against the people of Lyari. Rehman Malik had falsely accused the presence of Baloch armed forces to pave the way for a major operation in that vast Baloch populated area of Karachi. The purpose is to make the population forcefully vacate the area so settlement of Muhajirs is made possible. The state organizations have given full impunity to the Muhajir (Refugee) extortionists and mafia goons to abduct and kill Baloch youth. The Pakistani state is portraying the Baloch of Lyari as drug dealers and gangsters to hide its crimes against the indigenous people of the area. But the ideological struggle of Baloch nation has failed all the evil designs of Pakistan.
The Baloch leader addressing the people of Lyari, said that “The people of Lyari should now understand that the PPP used them as a vote bank and then started a military operation against them. I will repeat my words that the people of Lyari are not at all less than any other in educational grounds and ideological stances. They are a power and they should believe in themselves instead of looking towards PPP. They should use their energy and unity for the betterment of Baloch nation and Baloch struggle for liberation. When blood flows in Lyari, the whole of Balochistan feels the pain but at the same time they feel more pain when they see the people of Lyari being used by others.
Hyrbyair Marri said that “I expect that people of Lyari would neither allow PPP nor PML-N to use them any more for their benefits. Instead they will fully participate in the Baloch struggle and movement of liberation because now the motherland of Baloch is asking for sacrifices. The people of Lyari should also join the ranks of their brothers who are struggling for freedom of Balochistan.
The Baloch leader strongly condemned the brutal death of ICRC official, Dr Khaleel Dale. He said that, “Pakistani agencies, MI and ISI, are completely Talibanizing Balochistan and they are promoting religious extremism in the area. If Pakistan succeeded in her evil acts then it would be very difficult to control the wave of extremism in Balochistan because this land is full of terrains and much more difficult area then Afghanistan and KPK. The Baloch is standing in front of these religious extremists from 65 years.
He further said that, “the extremist organizations backed by ISI are beheading the Europeans now whereas the Baloch nation is facing these brutalities since 70s but even then the whole world has ignored the Baloch nation. The world should act now and help Baloch nation to gain their freedom and to free the entire region of these religious extremists.
Courtesy : Baloch Warna